Lola X Scott
Lola gave birth to her litter 6/10/24. We have one black male available. He is ready to go to his new home now. Please fill out an application if interested. We can help arrange transportation.
Gray-Collared MaleHe would make a good service dog prospect.
Mocha X Braxton
Mocha gave birth to her litter on 6/14/24. We have one yellow female available. She is ready to go to her new home. Please fill out an application if interested. We can help arrange transportation.
Pink-Collared Female |
Special Needs Puppy Available
We have a special needs puppy available to a special home. We are looking for a family that is willing to put in some extra TLC, and a family that will keep her on a pet insurance. We are willing to wait until the perfect person/family comes along.
*Please specify on your application if you are interested in her.
*Please specify on your application if you are interested in her.
A Note From Us
As a breeder, we are not just trying to sell a puppy or dog and never take a look back. We want our puppies to go to families that are interested in keeping a relationship with us. WE LOVE receiving updates and we will never say no to any pictures or videos that are sent our way! If you would like to become Facebook Friends, create an Instagram for your pup, or even just post pictures through Pinterest, we would be more than happy to befriend or follow you! If you are a private individual or not that into social media, that is totally okay! We still enjoy updates through more traditional methods such as emails/text messages. Please keep in mind that we in no way want to impose. We are not asking you to send us an update every week, but just whenever you get the chance to. We know it's sometimes difficult to remember to update (we ourselves are guilty of this), but we absolutely love when we receive a message out of the blue on what new adventures our former puppy is embarking on, or what form of mischief they played a role in! We overall enjoy seeing the impact they are having and the lives that they are touching.
If you are considering us for your future puppy and take issue with anything that was stated above, we ask you to please kindly pass on one of our puppies. Again, we are not going to ask that you give us a status report every week. Our only request is that you remember us every now and then! The breeding process is not for the faint of heart! There are both hard and amazing times, often disproportionately balancing each other out. Regardless, we pour all of our time, energy, and souls into this endeavor!
In an ideal world, we would love to keep every single puppy we produce! But, seeing as this is not realistic, we rely on our new families to continue loving them as we have. We want to work with families who have as much passion and love for the Labrador breed as we do!
As a breeder, we are not just trying to sell a puppy or dog and never take a look back. We want our puppies to go to families that are interested in keeping a relationship with us. WE LOVE receiving updates and we will never say no to any pictures or videos that are sent our way! If you would like to become Facebook Friends, create an Instagram for your pup, or even just post pictures through Pinterest, we would be more than happy to befriend or follow you! If you are a private individual or not that into social media, that is totally okay! We still enjoy updates through more traditional methods such as emails/text messages. Please keep in mind that we in no way want to impose. We are not asking you to send us an update every week, but just whenever you get the chance to. We know it's sometimes difficult to remember to update (we ourselves are guilty of this), but we absolutely love when we receive a message out of the blue on what new adventures our former puppy is embarking on, or what form of mischief they played a role in! We overall enjoy seeing the impact they are having and the lives that they are touching.
If you are considering us for your future puppy and take issue with anything that was stated above, we ask you to please kindly pass on one of our puppies. Again, we are not going to ask that you give us a status report every week. Our only request is that you remember us every now and then! The breeding process is not for the faint of heart! There are both hard and amazing times, often disproportionately balancing each other out. Regardless, we pour all of our time, energy, and souls into this endeavor!
In an ideal world, we would love to keep every single puppy we produce! But, seeing as this is not realistic, we rely on our new families to continue loving them as we have. We want to work with families who have as much passion and love for the Labrador breed as we do!